2014 Time Attack Season Points

This will be updated after each event to reflect the overall season points for 2014.


Aaron Hiar 790
Jake Casto 615
Jon Via 604
Todd Hiar 595
Brendan Garvey 240
Jeremy Nosko 230
Patty McGray 100
Prabhsimran Sandhu 70


Jeff Abrams 680
Philip Robles 590
Harold Dunn 495
Eric Kennel 385
Robert Smithson 370
Adam Kennel 355
Zach Spisak 235
Jason Griepentrog 230
Jesse Robles 185
Kevin McGuiness 138
J.C. Gomez 136
Jake Casto 69
Souly Keonavong 68
Sally McNulty 67
Justin Topliff 66


Russell Whelan 690
Todd Roetken 340
Daniel Waters 180
Michael Kasdorf 170
Anthony Szirka 100
Jim Cozzolino 85
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