NASA Arizona will operate under the NASA National rules (i.e. CCRs) published here with the following exceptions noted below.
NOTE – These rules were reviewed and updated on Dec 12, 2024 – These rules are updated when deemed necessary to address specific local items and could be subject to change without notice.
Exceptions to CCRs:
- Section 9 & 10 (Instructors): Instructor vehicles are required to go through tech the same as all other drivers. Instructor candidates will only be considered who hold a full (i.e. not Provisional) Competition License (TT or Race) and are in good standing in their respective series. NOTE: The first step is to speak with the Chief Driving Instructor to be interviewed. If you are authorized to proceed after that, attendance at the annual Instructor Clinic is the 2nd requirement to obtain a NASA Instructor License.
Section 11.2 (HPDE Tech Inspection): NASA Arizona does not currently utilize offsite (HPDE) tech inspection stations. All tech inspections are done at the track and are free of charge. Participants are required to print off and fill out a tech sheet prior to arriving to the event. Tech sheets can be downloaded here.- Section 11.4.19 (Tow Eyes): The CCRs strongly recommend tow eyes/hooks and NASA AZ tech officials will not fail you for HPDE Tech, but if your car needs to be towed and there is a significant delay because of a lack of a tow eye/hook and causes a loss of track time for other drivers, you will be excused from driving in the following session. NOTE: Time Trial cars are required to have 1 front and 1 rear tow eye/hook to receive an Annual Tech sticker and Logbook.
- Section 21.5 (Official Results): The following site will be used as the “Official Results” Results – National Auto Sport Association (
- 2 day events – Competitors have until the Sun morning Drivers Meeting/Download to dispute the accuracy of any Sat results. They have until Tuesday @ noon to dispute the accuracy of any Sun results
- 1 day events – Competitors have until Monday @ noon to dispute the accuracy of any results from a 1 day event
- Section 22.1 (Season Points Eligibility): The default points system will be used, and the AZ Region will add the following restrictions/allowances:
- To be eligible for a season end award, the competitor must attend at least 50% or more of the points races in the same class. NOTE: A registered/paid entry is considered as attended (in the event the competitor has a mechanical failure).
- A competitor may only earn points in one class per “series” per event (Ex: Time Trial, Super Touring, GTS, Honda Challenge & SM would be examples of different Series).
- A competitor may choose to declare to not accumulate points for the season but still compete in all other aspects of the event (i.e. trophies, contingency, track records, etc.). NOTE: “Tage Evanson” does not collect season points in any series where he is a competitor.
- Teams who win a Championship will earn 1 trophy and 1 jacket but have the option to pay for duplicate awards for another member/crew of the team.
- Section 22.2 & 22.2.1 (Drop Scores): NASA Arizona will drop the “3” lowest scored events for all Time Trial and Race Group classes to determine season finishing position for 2024 & 2025. The UMS Tuning Time Attack series will have “1” drop for the 2024 season.
- Section 22.4 (Teams):
- A driver may not compete as an “individual” as well as a “team” they are part of in the same class on the same day
- NASA Arizona reserves the right to deny the formation of any local team (Examples cases that could be denied: Instructor/Official teaming with a non-Instructor/Official)
- Teams are not allowed to use the Supersize* options when registering
- HPDE drivers are not allowed to share an HPDE entry as “Teams” only apply to Time Trial or Race group
NASA Arizona Specific Rules:
- Exceptions to Classing (All Series & Classes):
To ensure that all NASA AZ competitors have adequate time to ensure legality and properly prepare their cars, competitors may legally compete in their respective class using the previous year’s rules when the subsequent series/class rules are either not released prior to the first NASA AZ event or are released with less than 30 days’ notice.
NOTE: In the event that “30 days” notice covers only one day out of a two-day weekend, both days will still be covered per the above exception. - Staying “on track”: The intended “racing surface” shall be defined as the painted “white line”. In the event there is no “white line” or it is too faded to see, the racing surface shall be defined as the “apex curbs”. Failure to maintain at least 1 wheel on the intended “racing surface” may result in penalties regardless of if a perceived advantage is gained or not.
- Dyno Testing: If a vehicle requires a dyno compliance check, the onsite dyno will be the official dyno used for this purpose. If an official protest (form) is filed and all applicable fees are paid and there is no onsite dyno, NASA Arizona officials will determine the offsite dyno to be used to validate compliance. It is the competitor’s responsibility for transport of the vehicle to the facility. Failure to comply will result in an automatic non-compliance DQ.
Exceptions to Time Trial Rules
- Passengers are not allowed without TT Director approval. If a passenger is allowed during any TT session, the competitor/car will be DQ’d for that specific session and times will not count.
Exceptions to Enduro Rules
- Section 2.1 (Car Numbers): Three-digit numbers (or two-digit numbers + a letter) are allowed
- Section 2.3 (Provisional License): Drivers with a Provisional License are allowed to race
- Section 2.4 (Entry fees): Each driver will be responsible for their respective entry fee. NOTE (*Arizona Region drivers only*): If more than 1 driver is declared as part of the enduro team, a maximum of 2 drivers will receive local Arizona points for the respective car class being raced regardless of the number of laps driven by each driver. However, each driver must complete at least 1 lap to be eligible for the points associated with the enduro finishing position of the vehicle.
- Section 4 (Classes): Standard NASA enduro classes will be used for official results however, all driver profiles who have “Arizona” selected as their home region will receive local Arizona region points for their regular NASA sanctioned class (Ex: ST1, SM, 944 Spec, HC2, etc.). NOTE: Although only “Arizona” region drivers will receive local Arizona points in their respective non-enduro class, they will still be competing against any other competitors outside their region who may also be in their same class.
- Section 8.1 (Pit Space): Equipment *MAY* be shared, but only if the same equipment is NOT used to cover two cars at the same time.
- Section 8.2.2 (Fuel Container): Recommended but not required to label “FUEL”.