NASA-AZ 2016 Kickoff WHP East
NASA Arizona kicked off the 2016 driving season with a well attended opener at the Wild Horse Pass East track January 9th and 10th, 2016. To start we want to say a big thanks to all the workers and volunteers that show up and support our habit on track. It was nice to see all the regular NASA-family faces in the paddock and on track as well.
HPDE 1 had nearly 20 new registrants for this event and we want to thank and congratulate each of you for coming out to drive with us and we sincerely hope to see you back soon for HPDE 2. Keep in mind that doing HPDE2 at an “Away event” like our upcoming Chuckwalla weekend will be about 10 times more fun than you have ever had.
Welcome to: Josh Arndt, Bryan Bridgewater, Ray Dimuzio, Colby Earven, Ian Francis, Roland Harke, Aleksandr Heit, John Holbert, Brandon Ideen, Franklin Joya, Joseph Nicovic, Paul Perkins, Peter Rowton, Justin Shriver, Alexander Uziel, Daniel Walker, Mike Weistling and thanks again for joining us.
The other HPDE Classes were also fairly full with around 20 signed up in each class. DE 3&4 were combined on Sunday and all reported a safe and fun weekend.
Time Trial had a big crowd with nearly 40 cars signed up and a whopping 12 registrations in TT3! With the recent rule changes the “3” seems like the place to be! Thanks to Jeff Abrams for getting the results posted and to Eric Jacobson for getting the season results updated.
UMS Tuning Time Attack featured a nearly all JDM field (plus a Mustang). Thanks to Jon Via for getting our results and season points updated.
NASA Race group had over 30 entrants and ran combined Small Bore and Big Bore with several new cars on the track and good spirited competition both days. At the time of posting this recap I don’t have access to the official results but a certain red Coyote Powered Mustang ran in the lead for much of the weekend. Here is a great video from Hal Dunn to showcase the Sunday race and get your blood pumping for Chuckwalla in just a few weeks.
For ALL drivers, just a reminder we have some updated CCR Rules: I highly suggest all drivers from HPDE to race group take a few minutes and refresh yourselves on the various flags from section 7 & 19. It’s a good time to get a refresher on the different ways we communicate on track as we head into the next event.
Chuckwalla! February! Its coming up fast!: Please sign up early so we get a good head count. Chuckwalla is just a short and easy 3 hour drive from Phoenix. It is a great big track with elevation changes and a fun camber changes. Remember this is one of those “holiday weekends” so do what you need to do in advance to get cleared on to track and we look forward to seeing you there.
Join the NASA-AZ forums to check out the latest info on upcoming events, questions and answers, Etc.
Also check out our Facebook page.
Edits and comments: [email protected] PS… Always glad to get input from other classes and drivers that want to help expand the information in the recap. Pictures, notes, assistance, editing are always appreciated!